Coloring of CarRel
Wanna get stuff?
What's this?
These are digital downloadable activity sheets intended for people 12 years of age and up (there is a pretty wide range of skill levels represented in these pages). Each "chapter" represents a certain time and location in world history and comes with 10 pages of goodies.
The first page is an introduction to the set, a small taste of what is to come. These can be colored if the inspiration strikes you.
The second page is an information page with almost everything you will need to know to be able to solve the crossword toward the end of the set (SKIP this if you want more of a challenge).
The third page is a map of the region being discussed in the given time period; these are all pretty simplified and rough, but good enough to center your exploration.
The fourth page is a coloring page generally related to the architecture of the given subject.
The fifth page is a simple word search.
The sixth page is a coloring page generally related to the people of the given subject.
The seventh page is a maze.
The eighth page is a coloring page generally related to the food of the given subject.
The ninth page is a crossword.
And the tenth page is the answers to the three puzzles.
Here's a sample: Chapter 7, Greece.
Check it out, if you like it, feel free to go on Etsy and get the other 6 chapters.
Alright, coloring sheets and puzzles and mazes aren't really "games" in the traditional sense; they're more of an activity. But you know what? I don't care, I'm not making another site and shop called "Kev's activities and whatnot."
If you're teaching...
Hey, if you are a teacher and you are using these in a middle school world history class, thank you (first of all), that is awesome! Second, here's a note: I've done my best to read through multiple grade 7ish level world history books to capture common keywords and events and figures so hopefully whatever you are teaching overlaps with these activities somewhere. I've done my best to provide very simple info pages at the start of each "chapter" as well as a simple map to center the content. These things are no substitute for good instruction; they are intended to serve as a relaxing side activity or a supplement.
If you want to chat more about these sheets, or request something specific, email me at with the subject line "teacher" to get in touch.
Here's a little taste of each chapter:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
What's coming up?
On initial release, I have covered early human history up until about 500 BCE (or BC, or how ever you like to classify) in both Mesopotamia and Egypt. There is some bleed over in the second and third chapters into the Levant as well as ancient Nubia, though these regions are not covered in much depth (to be fair, NO subject is covered too deeply in these pages, but you get my point).
Following these first few chapters, I've made a set on the Indus River Civilization / Northern India as well as one for ancient China. My last push to complete Part 1 allowed me to finish a set for the Americas and Ancient Greece.
These are all, so far, in 'Part 1' which will be prehistory through about 500 BCE. Part 2 will cover between 500 BCE and 500 CE. These dates are a bit rough to encapsulate places around the world, but they are near enough to the main 'transition' points in history that I'll stick with them.
I plan on expanding to cover many more time periods and regions in the coming chapters. Here are some places I plan on going next:
Persia and the Middle East up to about 500 CE
Rome up to about 500 CE
India up to about 500 CE
China up to about 500 CE
The Americas up to about 500 CE
And more...
My intention is to break world history into somewhat manageable chunks with some rough overlap to allow for simple comparison. History is complicated, and it can be tricky to get a foot in the door when it comes to wrapping one's head around how this all fits together. I hope these simplified sheets help.